Saturday, January 29, 2011

Looks like I'm staying Dover, kiddies!

I was asked yesterday to be a part of the Freshman Academy! It's my dream job, if I haven't written about it before, and even better, it will be a CONTRACT! Like, I won't have to desperately look for a job every year!

After this one, at least. ;)

The only catch is that I have to re-apply for my job *this* year, and then they can offer me the actual contract. I think I'm not going to have a problem getting rehired, so I am just on cloud nine right now.

Other things that are kicking butt right now:
1. Just did round 3 of caramel; made a HORRIBLE mess, but the caramel is perfect! So, either I need to spill a ton of it, I need to not let it get to 240 degrees, or I need to add too much vanilla and/or salt. We'll see!

2. Just did three pages of writing. At this risk of sounding pretentious, I'm trying to write a memior-esqu type thing. I'm calling it "The Pro from Dover: How I learned to live alone, kind of." Yeah, I'm awesome. And to quote Neil Gaiman:
"Tomorrow may be hell, but today was a good writing day, and on the good writing days nothing else matters."
Neil Gaiman

3. Sadie is learning! She is still peeing in the wrong spots, but she knows that when I say "Mat!" she is supposed to go to the pee pad and sit down. So, baby steps? Kind of?

4. Reading! I'm doing good. I finished a book on Thursday, and I spent last night reading and organizing my Kindle books into collections. I have more nonfiction than romance, and more romance than scifi/fantasy, and more scifi/fantasy than fiction. I think this is an accurate cross section of what free books you can get from Kindle, as that I where I get all my books from!

I'm just so really really happy for once, guys! WOHOO!

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