Thursday, August 11, 2011


So, I have a garage. YAY! Unfortunalty, it is manual, so as I was closing it today, I accidentally grabbed a seam and smashed three of my fingers. Silly me, I kept pulling the darn thing down even after I was in pain, because I didn't realize what was going on. Sigh.

I just mowed my lawn for the first time EVER. I did it mostly for the neighbors. It wasn't pretty. Melissa had to come down to turn the darn thing on for me, and she stayed with the dogs (hers and sadie) while I did the mowing. Sadie was terrified. It was cute!

So, I've been in the new house with a working phone for about 24 hours. I've already had 3 junk calls, all trying to get me to buy something. Sigh.

School has been going well. I'm in a science classroom tomorrow and Monday. That will be fun. At least it isn't math!

I'm off to DC tomorrow, to watch Wicked with Mr. Sean Meloy. Wheee!

Chatham was wonderful. I have some writing to do for next Friday, and I'm hoping to get a lot of that done tonight. I'm so excited. I have my loans, and I'm ready to go!
