Thursday, December 30, 2010

"And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is." — Kurt

Hi Everyone!

I really like long car drives. I tend to fall asleep pretty quickly if I haven't been properly caffeinated, but if I have, there is nothing better than cranking the music and driving alone. It is just so relaxing; my mind gets to process whatever is bothering me, and I am not worried about bothering other people. I can swear at the other cars if I need to let out some steam, and it is never a problem.

So tonight's ride back to Frederick was perfect. Until I hit Breezewood, I was really tired and not at all relaxed, but I got starbuck's from somewhere (Somerset, I think?) and that woke me up quite nicely. I started thinking about all the work I didn't get done this week for school, which worried me for a bit, but then I started thinking about how I will deal with next year.

For those of you who don't know, I have to completely re-apply for the job I have now. I've been really worried about how I would have to set up my drama classes for next year, since it is not something that I am really qualified for. So, anyway, I'm driving along, and I just get this really good feeling about next year. I have this whole plan in my head about how to work it all out, and it makd S e me really happy. On top of that, I remembered that I have a day next week where my mentor and I get to sit in the library all day and just plan for the rest of the year. This means that I might actually get some of my awesome ideas from last year to work in the classroom this year! Wheeee!

So, I'm happy for a little while. Pittsburgh was really fun, and I have some good plans for having fun for the rest of the year in Delaware. (Here's a hint: book clubs and game nights). I'm in Frederick for New Year's, and then I'm heading home to do all the work I didn't get done this week. Wohoo!

Happy non-denominational holiday season, ladies and gents!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh, this is so sweet!

My favorite short:

Sadie hates me.

MY poor puppy! She got fixed today, she can't walk straight, and she just keeps looking at me like I'm the devil. The first thing she did when I set her down on the couch was try to jump off. The first thing she did when I set her on the ground? Look right at me, squat, and pee the longest pee ever. That's my girl!

So Melissa and I had an impromptu night out last night. We both had a lot of papers to grade, and we didn't think that we would get anything done if we went home. We went to Frasiers, a pup right by my house. We both got one paper graded in about two hours. It was a really relaxing, if not quite as successful as we had hoped, night.

I'm going to a Christmas Party on Saturday thrown by my department head. Apparently, she goes all out, and last year's got canceled because of snow, so it's going to be awesome this year. I'm excited.

So that's all for me, I guess. I'm watching Pixar's Short Films on ABC Family, and it's really making my night.

Happy Christmas, all!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


My Christmas spirit.

Sadie's AWESOME Steeler's spirit.

Happy Saturday :)

Good morning all--although I guess it's afternoon at this point...

ANYWAY. I hope you all are doing well. Going home for thanksgiving was really nice, and I had a great time seeing the GPs and Walt from the street. I almost peed myself at Sean's on Thanksgiving Friday night, so clearly I had a fun time there. :-D Thanksgiving itself was lots of fun, going to see the Blumer's and Grandmas and having Grammy and Grandpap over. Grammy actually likes Sadie! On Saturday the rents and I went to Tracie's for Italian thanksgiving, and Marg (Tracie's mom) made this DELICIOUS food. There was this soup with balls of cheddar bread in it--omg. On Sunday we all got to watch the Steelers together. Auntie Tracie bought Sadie some cute sweaters and Steelers gear (see picture below) so now Sadie loves her for life. I really miss all of you from home, and it was so great to see you all. Can't wait till Non-denominational winter break to come home and see you all again!

So, the trip back was terrifying. I went over the Bay Bridge, and it was really dark, and all I kept thinking about was that, if for whatever reason the car goes over, Sadie was going to die. She was in her crate at that point, in the back seat, and I couldn't get to her very easily. That, of course, was not a good thought to have as I went over the bridge. I survived though, and Tracie tells me that there is a service where they will actually drive your car over the bridge for you; you just go up to the service building and ask for it. I vote YES for next time. I don't usually go over the bridge, but 95 was very congested, so we figured this would get me home faster.

Sadie has been weird all week; I think she misses the constant attention of all the people. She's still adorable and amazing, but she is whining just slightly, and she actually barked at me on Wednesday night! I was putting up Christmas decorations, and I guess she felt like I should have been petting her. She got right behind me and just went "BARK!" We got through it, though. I threw her bobo a few times, and then she got bored and curled up on the couch. That's my puppy!

School is going well. My class that used to drive me insane is now the class I look forward to the most; how weird is that? We have a lot of fun, and the kids that seemed to be giving me attitude and crap at the beginning of the year now say hi to me in the hall and apologize when they are talking over me. It's nuts! I've realized how much I miss teaching English, though; I enjoy drama, I really do, but I get inane comments like, "Why do I have to do research for my independent study class, when I am supposed to be finding out about character building techniques? This isn't English class." I've been told that twice this week--"This isn't English!" One was from my Independent study girl. She insists that there are no sources on her topic, and so she shouldn't have to write the paper, and anyway, they never had to do this in drama before, because "This isn't English." She's had since the second week of school to be working on this paper, and it is barely two DOUBLE SPACED pages long. Sigh. My other is just as frustrating. My stage tech is doing a small project on anything related to tech; they find out about it and are creating a poster. I told a girl she had to cite her sources, and she got so mad at me that she almost stormed out of class. It was ridiculous! Why don't people understand that "research" is just something you LEARN in English, and then you apply to the rest of your life? (That's kind of what I told them, and they both just gave me death glares).

I'm working on making my apartment warm. I had an INSANE electric bill last month, and so I'm trying to find ways to heat this darn place without losing all of my money to the city of Dover. It's been 57 degrees in my apartment every morning I've gotten up this week. Last night, I turned on my heat in my room, and it went up to 71 before I decided to turn it off and go to bed. When I woke up, it was 60. Mom sent me some heavy duty curtains, which I've hung on the windows in my dining room. I hung one between my sun room and my dining room last night as an experiment; will the sun room stay warmer if I'm not losing hot air through that doorway? So far, it's not making much of a difference. I'm supposed to be hearing from the city and my landlord about how they intend to fix this problem as there is clearly something wrong with my heating; I checked in with both on Thursday, and they said to wait until this coming Friday. If nothing is fixed, then call them again. I called/discussed with them on the Monday before Thanksgiving break. Rawr.

Other than that, my life is OK. I'm spending this weekend planning my next unit for English, and I'm having great fun. I might need to go shopping for office supplies later (binders and folders and a new flashdrive) and I think you all know how much I LOVE office supply shopping. (If you don't, it's a LOT. It's one of my favorite things to do. :-D) I slept until 11:00 this morning, and it was great. I might go take a nap right now, and then start up again later this afternoon. It's been a hard morning, making myself tea and taking Sadie for a walk and then typing all of this. ;)

I miss you guys! Have a great weekend, everyone!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Mayhem

There is no mayhem today. I just really like that word. :-D

So, some stories from Harvey. I can't remember what I wrote the last time, so I'll tell you all the stress inducing fun that I'm just laughing about right now. :-D

The day before the show, I was feeling like crap. I couldn't breathe, my nose was all runny, and my head felt huge. So, I went to the office during 6th period (last period) to ask if I could have an announcement to cancel stage tech for that day. It was only until 4:30, but I know these kids, and I would not have been out of there before 5:00. I asked several people, all who sent me to someone else, eventually getting me to the Principal. She suggested we just call the classes of the six students affected, and I said OK. Unfortunatly, I didn't know where they were--or most of their last names, for that matter. 15 minutes later, I'm back in her office with my program, and she starts looking up the kids (my PRINCIPAL, mind you; not a secretary. She sat down with me to help me out. What a trooper!). Unfortunatly! That was the day that we opened report cards to parents; they are all online these days, and the program used for scheduling was also the one with report cards. So it took us 15 minutes to look up two kids. I was running all over the office, asking anyone to look up a kid, but the site kept crashing...oh, it was a mess. Finally, 5 minutes before classes ended for the day, she told me I could make an announcement.

Our first show was on Veterans Day, last Thursday. I have always worked on a donation basis, so it wasn't until Thursday morning that I realized I would need money for our money box. "No problem," I thought, " because I have to cash some checks anyway. I'll just use that money for the change, and get it back at the end of the night." On Veterans Day. When every federal office is closed. -sigh-

So I called the former director, and left a message for him, saying "It's Veterans day and I need change. Help." His advice? Get out money and see if a store would change it for me. Well, that wasn't so much an option for me; thankfully, though, between my parents and myself, we came up with enough change to get us through the first night. The next day, the former director found me and made sure everything had worked, and we both had a laugh over the fact that he never thought to tell me about change, and I had never thought to think of change.

The first two nights of the show went fine. The final night, however, led to some fun. I went into the auditorium to tell the students that the house was about to open to find all of my techies on the stage, huddled up. Turns out that one of the student's iPods had been stolen. I told her that we would deal with it on Monday, but that the house was opening NOW. All was fine until after the show, when the girl called her mom, and SOMEONE called the cops.

Now, for those of you who don't know, schools have very different rules for searches than the outside world does. So, the regular police aren't allowed to search school students on school premises at school functions without an admin present. And there was no admin present. The admins took off about five minutes after my show ended each night. So I was essentially alone in the school, except for a very nice old Latin teacher and her sister--glorious people, both. Ever though they didn't have a clue any more than I did, they both refused to leave until I got in touch with an admin and got everything figured out. They were my lifesavers.

SO I called my AP (assistant Principal) and explained to him, and he was very nice, and then the police tried to get into the office where I was, but I accidentally locked the door behind me, so I was juggling the phone and the door and the keys, and the policeman didn't want to talk to the AP, he just said that he wouldn't be doing any searches and that the admin would deal with it on Monday (which I knew.) The Police left, the girl with the stolen iPod was sobbing uncontrollably because she thought I was going to kill her (I had TOLD them not to call the police, because they couldn't do anything), and I decided to never again host a cast party at the school.

By the way, they found the person that stole the iPod in the first 10 minutes of school on Monday. He had been stupid enough to take it when right in front of a camera. They had a clear shot of him reaching down, taking it, and putting it in his pocket, and then turning to face the camera and walking away. Ah, I love high school kids. :-D

So, that was Harvey. The music people have taken over the musical, so I'm done until the spring one-acts. Today, I made caramel. It was a first attempt. I need a thermometer that goes up to like 300 degrees; mine only goes to 220, and I am supposed to heat the caramel to 240. I tried futzing with the dial (you know, once it stayed at 180 few a few seconds, turning it back to 160 so that when it showed 220 it would actually be 240) but that didn't work at all. My caramel looks like caramel, though, so I don't think I ruined things too badly. It's still cooling right now, but it is really sticky. Once I get a better thermometer, I'll try again.

Sadie was so cute while I was cooking. She sat at the kitchen door and watched me the whole time, only leaving few a few seconds at a time. When I was done with the stove and everything, she finally went and sat on the couch. Either she just wanted to watch, or she thought she could get some food out of the deal. We went on a nice long walk this morning, so I think she is tuckered out. She's curled up on her little bed right now, just sleepin'. My Sadie is soooo cute!

Off to NaNoWriMo!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You know what bothers me?

All TV school teachers are interrupted by the bell right in the middle of their lessons. That is stupid. That is just bad planning, and doesn't happen in real life.

Anyway: HI! It's been a very long time, so I'm sorry. I finally finished Harvey, yay! Things went well. There was a lot of drama within the cast, and tons of stuff got stolen those last weeks, but we did really well.

Everything in my life has revolved around that for a very long time. I was coming home and just passing out more often than not. Mom came down the week before the show and helped take care of me and Sadie; she cleaned my house, and I'm actually one step closer to being unpacked! I got a haircut (pictures as soon as mom and dad send them to me, they are on their camera). It's very cute, as a boy in the store told me today as I was reading for some OJ. No "Hi" or anything, just "You're cute." I, of course, have no voice right now, so I just kind of smiled and croaked "thanks!" and walked away, forgetting my milk (which was pretty much why I went to the store).

So, I am assistant directing "Fiddler on the Roof" now, which is great. Originally, I was supposed to fully direct, and I was *freaked.* But now, the music people are doing it, and I'm helping out, spending this year learning how to put on something as big as a musical. I feel so much more relaxed now, and so much less pressure is on my shoulders.

I took today off of school because I have this headcold/sinus thing that felt like it was turning into strep. I had strep earlier this year, during the play, and I felt like I couldn't take off. Today was amazing. I slept until around 1:00, and then just sat and dozed. Sadie threw up, which sucked, but otherwise I love just sitting with her on the couch. She sits on my stomach and just chills. It' great. She growls at dogs and people on the TV; it's so cute!

So, I'm hoping to be back in school tomorrow, with or without my voice. Next week is a two-day week, and I'll be heading to Art's Tuesday night to go home Wednesday morning--I anticipate traffic for the ride home. Sadie is coming with, obviously, and I can't wait to introduce her to people back home.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is it with Thursdays?

Hi Everyone! I guess Thursday is just my updating night; I'm usually planning on staying up later to watch Project runway.

SO! My life right now: Pretty much the same as last week. Play practice and Sadie, lots and lots of sleeping. I've been fighting off a really bad cough and cold, and I actually thought I had bronchitis last week. I've been coming home and pretty much going to sleep right after dinner. I can't wait for a day to sleep!

Sadie is doing really well; she is getting really comfortable here. She's jumping around a lot, and loves just sitting and being petted. Unfortunately, we've had a few accidents; I think it's because I've been going to sleep so early. She came with me to Play Practice today; it was really pretty outside, so we practiced outside. She loved all the attention, but she was shivering a lot by the end.

The play is going well. Today was a read through and then a line through, and they didn't do too horribly. A few of the ones I was really worried about are doing better, so that makes me happy. Generally speaking, I'm not too stressed about the play. Generally speaking, I'm not too stressed overall right now. Just incredibly tired.

Next week is "quarterlies," AKA midterms for those of you not in the know. I've been a little stressed, because it's going to be a lot of grading within a very short amount of time. Plus, they are very intense here; the entire English department does the exact same test for each quarter. It makes me nervous! What if I didn't teach the right thing! And, on top of that, I got told today that I was looking at the old version of the test, so some of what I had been teaching was absolutely wrong. That was nerve-wracking. Tomorrow we have the first part of the test: the writing prompt. Wohoo!

Ok ladies and gentlemen, I don't have much to share today. Momma and Daddio are coming down this weekend, and I am STOKED! :-D

Monday, October 11, 2010

Homecoming, Rider Pride Day, and The Dover Symphony Orchestra

So, this weekend was Homecoming. Between going to play with Sadie at the SPCA, I actually tried to do some work. ;)

Friday night was the homecoming parade and game. The parade is a big deal here, and the Thespians and Stage Crew were supposed to have a float. Unfortunately, we didn't, so we walked the mile-ish carrying some signs that were really hard to read. It was fine, but I am fighting off a cold right now, so I went right home. Apparently, we did a really great job at the game and PWNED the opposition (the Cape Henlopen Vikings). I am kind of sad I missed it, but I enjoyed coming home to sleep.

Saturday was Rider Pride Day, which is a big community event at the High School. I was in charge of running the auditorium. All of the elementary and middle schools were putting on performances, and I got to take care of keeping people on time, fixing the sound, and turning the lights on and off. I had a few kids running around as my manual labor, so my job was actually quite easy. However, the people in charge went off a different schedule than the one I had been given, and the one that had been printed in the program, so I had a lot of running around to do to get all the acts together. Add that into the mix with a lost middle schooler, and I had a only slightly stressful day (not sarcastic, my day was not that bad at all!) I actually felt like I should have been more stressed than I was, which was a nice different feeling for me.

So, I got out of there around 1:30 and went to put a hold on Sadie. I had played with her on Friday, and was pretty sure that I wanted her. I was just worried about the time span. (As a side note, when I left her to go get milk tonight, she was crying in her crate. *sob*) I had to wait a very long time just to get to the desk, so I just looked in and said HI to her.

I came home and took a nap, then went to the Dover Symphony Orchestra. For those of you who don't know, my awesome friends back home bought me season tickets. Th DSO takes place in The Calvary Assembly of God, which was an interesting location. They actually had some multimedia involved; during "Mars" and "Jupiter," for example, they had really cool videos of the mars rover and pictures of Jupiter. The Symphony themselves did not appear to be nearly as professional as the PSO, but the show was great. I'm looking forward to the next show; it will take place just down the road from me at the Schwartz Center.

So, with that, I came home and slept. Sunday I went and played with Sadie again, and planned my next two weeks with my co-teacher. I came home and watched some BSG. I've already talked about today in my last post,'re up to date on my life! Wohooo!

Tomorrow, the cast of "Harvey" is going to watch the movie. (Fun Fact: If Sadie was a girl I would have named her Harvey). Practice for the rest of the week should be lots of fun. We're almost all blocked, and the kids are starting to come into their characters. I'm having fun with the practices themselves; it's when I think about the sets and the lights and the programs and the newspapers that I start to get really nervous. Not too much longer before showtime! :-D

I hope you are all doing really well! Have a great week, kids!

Meet Sadie.

Hi everyone! I'm Sadie, and I'm a sweetheart!

I got my dog today, kids! She is adorable and loving and SO well behaved. I'm thrilled! I had a little trepidation this weekend, worrying about time commitments and just general "is this the right decision?" stuff, but I am soooooo soo sooo happy that I got her.

I got up early this morning (we had school off) and went to sign the landlord paperwork. I was at the SPCA at 9:30, only to realize that they didn't open for another hour (I thought for sure it was 10:00!). I was starving, so I went off in search of a Subway. Instead, I found a Wal-Mart. I had been planning to get toys and beds at Petsmart later that day, when Sadie was with me, but I figured a check at teh Wal-Marts wouldn't hurt things. I found a bed for $10, and a squeaky toy for 98 cents. Wohoo!

I was back at the SPCA at 10:18, and was the first one in the door when they opened--thank God. My application took about 45 minutes to process, and there was a line about 10 long behind me. However, they brought me Sadie, newly microchipped, and we were off! So was so excited that she literally vibrated out of my arms onto the floor. I had bought a collar and a leash yesterday, and I was trying to get them on her, and she just would not hold still! Once we got outside, she was all over the place, sniffing and prancing. I let her go for a few minutes, in case she needed to go to the bathroom, and then we headed for the car.

Oh, the car! If I thought she was hyper before, she was insane now! She hopped right in and immediately went to the passenger side seat, turned a few times, and sat right down. That lasted for all of two seconds, because then she was up and looking out the windows, climbing all over me, and panting up a storm. As we were going, she starting doing this whining/yipping thing, kind of like how a guinea pig sounds when it is excited, and she could barely sit down. It was adorable! Unfortunatly, she weighs about 10 pounds, so when I hit the brakes at one point, she went flying into the dashboard, only to pop right back up and yip some more.

Then we were off to petsmart. I was there yesterday looking for some food and bowls, and one of the ladies that was there yesterday helped me today. She got me a harness and two crates (one for travel, one for home!) and a bed and some toys. She actually pushed the cart while I had Sadie on the leash. When we first got in to the store, Sadie was going all over the place so I put her into the cart. She seemed to like being pushed around. That lasted for about five minutes, and then she took a swan dive to the floor and scared the heck out of me. (She was fine).

We got home around 1:30 or so, and she is just getting cuter by the second. Right now she is sleeping on her bed, but if I get up I can guarantee you she will be awake and following me around. I set up her crate and then we played fetch--yes, she fetches very well!--and then we went for a walk. When we got back I was tired, so I laid down for a break. I threw her red squeaky for her a few times, and then she popped right up on the couch and sat on my face, which was apparently her way of telling me I was an OK owner. I eventually got her off me, and then we just kind of dozed--well, I dozed. I have the top half of my door open, and she heard men outside. She was up and at the door in about two seconds, and then she rushed over to the window--jumping right on my boob in the process, thankyouverymuch--and just gave one little growl. I told her to calm down, and rolled over on to my stomach (for protection).

So she took a nap on my butt. :-)

I have more pictures below! We're going for a walk after dinner, and then I am going to introduce her to her crate. I need to go get milk, so it will be a good amount of time (not too long, not too short) for her to wait for me. Should be a fun night! I'll have to come back and grade or something; I didn't do any school work all day!

I am so very very happy right now!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's my puppy!

No name yet, but I am thinking Sadie. (Her name is Daisy, but every dog I know is named Daisy). Taking suggestions! I'm getting her tomorrow! She a Miniature Pinscher.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's Thursday!

Hi Everyone!

I'm sorry it's been a while, yet again. I dislike updating when I am bummed, and I've been bummed recently. Lots of stress at school, lots of work to do, and so I come home less happy than I wish. HOWEVER! Things are definitely looking up! Hence, the post!

So, the play is going well. I ran rehearsal today and my kids actually kind of knew their lines, and they are getting there in terms of their blocking. Next week, we will just be running act 1 and 2 all week, so practices should be more acting and less blocking, which is always exciting.

Classes are going better. I have my stage tech class somewhat under control, in the sense that I have a book to work with these days, and that makes me feel safe inside. I dislike not having a plan. My English classes are turning in research papers in a week, so that is terrifying. Next week is a four day week, too, with an inservice on Friday, so this time next week I'll probably be very drunk. Just FYI. Luckily, I only have two classes of papers to read, but it's going to be a long week, getting them to do what I need them to do. Next week is also Homecoming, and it is a really big deal down here. They open up the high school for the day, and have a huge community gathering. I'm stage teching the performances in the auditorium all day on Saturday, and then I have my first Dover Symphony evening. Wheee!

I've been looking for a dog for a bit. I went to the Camden SPCA yesterday, because they posted three yorkies on Monday. Unfortunately, they were all adopted by Wednesday. I applied for a dog last night; I'm worried that since I live alone and want to crate during the day, it is going to be hard to find a dog that will work for me. I'm hopeful, however, and I have no problem driving to Jersey or Maryland or Philly. I'm thinking that might help my chances.

It is raining a ton here, and I'm kind of hoping for a flood cancellation tomorrow. Apparently, it's not unheard of around here. There are flood warnings and watches and issues and statements, and it is still raining really hard right now. On one hand, canceled school would be awesome cause I could sleep and all, but on the other, I have a lot of stuff to get from my kids for their research papers. I guess things aren't too bad if I'm not totally hoping for school to be closed! :-D

So, overall, things are going better. I'm still not thrilled with the job, but I am wayyy happier than I was two weeks ago. Things are going better, and I'm feeling more competent as a teacher. This is always a plus. I hung out with the friends on Friday night, and I kicked strep this last week (I slept until about 4:00 on Saturday, and it was gloroius). This Saturday is the first Saturday of building our Harvey set, so that's six hours of my day spent at school. I might try to do the football game tomorrow night, but last week's got me really upset. Those parents are HORRIBLE! Screaming terrible things about the high school kids--seriously people, IT'S A GAME!

I'm going to head to Art and Tracie's for the Steeler's vs. Baltimore game, and I'm very excited about that. I'd be more excited if I had a puppy to take on the trip with me, but I'll make due with turkey chip dip.

Thanks for reading, kids! I miss you all very much. :-D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Feeling a little better

So I spent yesterday in a training session, and I feel like I have a little direction now. I took off Monday, so I have then to sit and work stuff out. Pretty exciting!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

Hi Everyone!

Well, it has been a while! Things haven't been too exciting for me around here; a lot of work and sleep. I'll try to give you a not boring run down here.

So, the play has started. I got through auditions relatively unscathed; there was a supposed internet fight over who I cast, but I only heard about it third hand, so I'm pretending it didn't happen. I have had three rehearsals, and I think they went alright. So far, I haven't had to do anything horrible like throw someone out. I'm being kind of spazztic with blocking and whatnot, because my set design changed about halfway through, but we're getting there.

Classes have been so-so. I feel like I've been fighting with myself a lot; my drama classes are a little painful right now. Drama 2 is reading through the Cherry Orchard (I can't believe we choose that play!) and half of the class just sits there while we go through, though no fault of their own. It's just really frustrating. Drama 1 just finished Improv; the kids seem to think that running around and screaming is improv. That was painful. There were a few kids that were good, and some really hilarious skits, but for the most part, it was pretty hard to watch. We're moving on to monologues next; here's hoping they are better for the kids.

Like I said before, I feel like I'm fighting with myself a lot. I thought I had really good classroom management last year; this year, I feel like my technique just isn't working. I'm very rarely happy when I come home now. I'm not necessarily mad or upset, but I am not enjoying teaching right at this moment. I hope it will pass. I started with Research papers, and those are always a rough subject to work with. I'm stressed, and I am not getting enough exercise (I'm still trying to join my gym; they keep closing early!) Still, it would be nice to be genuinely excited about my job once in a while. I just can't find something I love about it yet. The people are wonderful (Muller stayed after school and talked to me today for an extra two hours, just helping me talk through my difficulties) and I really want to like the kids, but those two things together aren't enough. I feel like I'm drifting, without a purpose. Tomorrow, we have an inservice day, and then I am taking Monday off to come home from Pittsburgh, so I have some time to help myself refresh and work though some new ideas. I'm going to try to revamp my style and get in touch with my inner bitch. It might seem weird, but I think putting my foot down and doing things *my* way will help. I've been a little tentative in what I do, a little too passive, I think, and the students are definitely taking advantage. On the plus side, I know that my principals have got my back, which I never really felt at the old job.

Speaking of the old job: My exlandlord called me last week and told me that they were hiring, and told me that I might want to "get in on the ground floor of that." Because then, "you won't have to deal with the rent issue!" (I still owe him for one more month). Never mind the massive amounts of money, time, and effort I put into this new place, the contract with my current job, or the rent I would owe here. Just so long as he doesn't loose any money! I was not a happy camper that night, but I laugh about it now. For the most part.

I looked into getting a dog this weekend. I really want a Yorkie, so I was looking up Yorkie rescues. Unfortunatly, most need another dog or a human presence all day, or they are $300 or more. I've decided to look for more breeds. I need something small, <25 pounds. I was also looking at pugs, but I couldn't find prices for them, and sometimes I think they are cute and sometimes I think they are ugly. I think I'll widen my search.

On the plus side of today: My drama 2 kids baked me cookies! We were talking about this weekend, and I mentioned the wedding and the drive and my birthday, and they remembered! They signed a card for me and brought in chocolate chip cookies. Wheee! It absolutely made my day. Third period (stage tech) ruined the feeling, but for a moment there I was touched. :)

So, tonight I bought comfort food (chinese), comfort coke (for rum) and watched "Eureka." I finished the second season of Dexter last night, but I can't instant netflix any other seasons. I read the wikis on them, and now I don't care to watch any more. I also finished Arrested Development (really stupid ending, I'm sad to say), so I am in the market for new netflix TV series to become addicted to. I'm going to start Chuck soon, I guess, to make Rachel happy.

The other bright spots in my life:

Project Runway is on tonight.
Tomorrow is INSERVICE.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

A much better day

Hi Everyone!

Well, yesterday blew, but today was a great teaching day. I felt really confident, and the kids seemed engaged, and I had some great discussions with my 4th period class with "lines in the sand." Today, I am happy. Tired, hot and sweaty, but happy.

GO STEELERS! I got Dominoes for dinner last night (mmmmm cheezy bread) but I'm thinking of doing it again...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Insert witty title, I'm too tired to be witty all by myself.

Hi everyone!

Well, today marks the one week of school date, although it really only counts for freshmen, and even then, we really didn't start classes until last Friday, so I guess it's only the fourth day of school. Whatever. It feels like it's been a while. Let me catch you up!

Last week was good.

This week is going well. I'm feeling overwhelmed again, mostly because I'm off balance. I'm essentially doing five different classes, and it is really disconcerting going from drama to english (it's even disconcerting going from drama 1 to drama 2!) I've been coming home and falling asleep for at least an hour and a half every day. I'm just so exhausted at the end of the day! Today was the worst. We had record setting heat here (or so they tell me) and the AC at school was all sorts of futzed up. The heat was on in some rooms and most of the hallways, and the rooms don't have much space or ventilation to begin with, so...It was hot. And I was already really tired.

So you can understand why I fell asleep at my desk 6th period. IN MY DEFENSE, It was only for about two minutes, and it was the two minutes-ish before the bell rang, so it's not like I was really skimping on work on anything. (6th period is our last period of the day, and it is my period off). But man! Our room was *really* hot.

As for classes/stuff: Drama 2 is doing "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekov for our class play. I'm holding auditions for "Harvey" on Wednesday. I don't know if I should watch the movie first or not. Part of me wants to, in case I am missing something huge, but at the same time, I don't want to bias myself toward a certain type of character. I mean, maybe there is an awesome comedy man out there, but cause I have Jimmy Stuart in my mind, I just can't see him! That would be tragic! So, the point is, I just haven't decided, and its a big deal to me.

Anyway, my life is full of drama, metaphorically and literally. The kids are still feeling me out, and while there is not open and overt hostility, it's a little frustrating for all of us, I think, that I am doing things differently. I just find it really hard to work with people I don't have a connection with on some level, and while most of the kids are giving me 110% every day, there are a few that just seem to be in here until their schedules get changed, and they are bringing down the whole atmosphere.

I feel like I keep getting off topic. It might be that I am really tired. I'm going nuts listening to my air conditioner and fan, so I turned them off out here in my sun room, so now I'm hot and sticky and tired. It's only a matter of time before I fall asleep at my computer again. Alas, though, I was thinking of something rather important to say earlier...AH! Earl! I'm not going to get hit with anything except some rain; there will be no wind in the area for me! Whooohooo! I'll be in hampton, anyway, but that's besides the point. :-D

Also, my students call me "Blumesicle." I think just preferred Blumes, although in the auditorium I do turn in to a Blumesicle--it's frickin' freezing in there, Mr. Bigglesworth!

Love, Bethie

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hi everyone! I'm sorry it has been so long since an update. I'll do my best to catch you up.

Well, this weekend I had a great surprise in RACHEL JAKAB. We went to see "The Switch" on Saturday night, and it was a GREAT movie. It was also nice to go to see a movie with someone, as opposed to just by myself. I like that. :) We spent the rest of Saturday watching Leverage and Project Runway on On Demand. Again, we were talking back and forth and it was so great to just have someone to BS with, you know?

Sunday was a little bit of more of the same. Honestly, I don't really remember much of what we did. Oh, I did some syllabus writing, and Rachel had housing issues. Most of the afternoon was spent pausing "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" to accommodate those things. Rachel stayed until today, which was so great. Monday, we hung out again, went out to dinner, and it awesome. Tuesday was equally as cool. So...Rachel Jakab and having someone to talk to for four days? AWESOME.

This brings us to school. Monday was our first day of inservice as a full district; last week was just new teachers. Monday was a lot of being talked at, very little time to get things done, running around trying to get an office, and generally being disheartened. I came home and just felt so horrible. CR is making a ton of changes, so a lot of the teachers are in the same boat, but it was still so very, very frustrating.

Tuesday was a completely different story. The morning was great; our superintendent is HILARIOUS, and gave a great beginning-of-the-year presentation. We had some quick meetings in the morning, but they were really helpful as opposed to just frustrating and confusing. I had a place to work, so I brought in my school stuff and put it in my floating classrooms. I got my books and whatnot packed up, and I proofread my syllabus. It was a really productive day. I spent the last hour talking to some drama kids, and they seemed extremely excited. It just made things so much better, and I was so much more pumped for today.

Which brings me to today. I have a ninth grade home room, so I got to do a lot of clerical stuff this morning. It's going to be a process, I feel. They are really nice kids, though, and I'm excited to see them each day. My drama class was a lot of fun, too. I think I made a good first impression. I had the kids climb onto the stage and explore the space, and then I talked a mile a minute about how I am so excited and I don't know what we're doing (specifically) this year, but I'm excited for some acting and some learnin' and it's gonna be awesome!

I have all my syllabi printed out tonight, and I was browsing the theater textbook I got from the school. Generally, it's just been a really good night.

Sorry for the lack of good adjectives and impressing, witty repartee. For whatever reason, I'm stuck in the "AWESOME! COOL! GREAT!" phase of the English Language. :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I met the guy who designed the Delaware State Quarter.


Hint: It's the Dr. Ault-ish ex Drama Teacher!


Hey everyone!

So, my two days of teacher initiation are done. :) After many long days of sitting and staring (or maybe just two) I have a lot of information, a new laptop (relatively speaking), and a lot of forms to fill out.

Yesterday, we took a tour of the school district. Our tour guide was the twice former drama director, and he is amazing. I've been trying to think of someone to compare him to, and the only one I could think of is a more sane Dr. Ault. He had the clothes down, the voice, and the awesome-ness. It was great. We also got to go on to the air base, because there are two schools on the air base. I thought that was so cool.

So, I just took a quick break to run to the library to pick up some stage tech books, and a boy was sitting on the bench outside. As I walked by, he was like, "Hey, sweetheart, what's IUP stand for?" So I told him (I was wearing my IUP hoodie) "Indiana University of Pennsylvania" and tried to keep on walking. He asked a few other things, and I just kind of muffled responses, and he was like "We're gonna have to chat about that for when you come back!" So I tried to stall in the library, because I didn't really want to talk to a random person in downtown Dover. Of course, there was nowhere for me to sit and stall (the library is always PACKED. And it has its own security guard inside. He's old and decrepit, but he's there.) So, I leave, planning to just keep walking with a quick wave or something at the boy. And we end up talking for like 10 minutes. Turns out he lives in the apartments behind me--I guess--and he managed to fit in there that he has no girlfriend, and no baby-mama drama, and he runs his own freelance business. He asked for my number, which I declined (very politely, I might add). He told me I was very pretty and that he liked my shoes. I told him I would be working 60+ hour weeks (which sounds not-out-of-the-realm-of-possibility, for what I am going to be working on), and I was gonna need to sleep some time. He was nice enough, though, and I told him maybe I would see him again at the library--not as like a promise, but more like a polite thing, I think; it's what I tried to come off as.

So, anyway: now I am slightly worried that he was just pumping me for info about my apartment--he asked if I had pets, or dogs--and then I feel really bad because he's probably just a lonely soul like me, and I need to stop worrying that everyone I meet on the street is going to try to hurt me in some way, shape, or form.

So, back to the school part of this post: generally, I feel OK right now. I'm going to be making a syllabus tomorrow whilst I EAGERLY await the arrival of one RACHEL JAKAB, and then after that I will be making my vocab powerpoints, which we are going to do as dailies in the classroom. It's going to be an exciting day. Then, the weekend will be spent not worrying at all about my job, and hanging with RAHEL JAKAB. Exciting!

Love, Bethie

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hi everyone!

So, I am too jazzed to sleep right now, so I thought I'd update you on my last few days. I went for a bike ride today, which was a lot of fun. There is a really tiny lake right down the road from me (I didn't even know it was there, and I parked right next to it twice) and the roads around it are great for biking. Apparently, things are not so safe about four blocks around me, so I have to watch where I go. (This is according to my nice old neighbor). I took some pictures of the legislative buildings around the area, and just generally enjoyed getting out. Pics are up on my shutterfly site.

Yesterday was a doozie. I started out at the HS around 10:30, meeting with the former drama guy and learning about all of that. I am so incredibly overwhelmed right now. Apparently, I'm going to be putting on up to three shows at once: the drama club fall show (Harvey), the Drama 2 class show (whatever I pick?) and (thank God not right away), the Drama 1 one acts--if I'm interested. Drama 1 is history of acting and theater for starters, so that's a semi-nice reprieve. What's great is that I'm not even worried about English 1o. I was at school until 1:00 getting information on everything. My head felt like it was going to explode.

I came home for a quick bite, and figured that I would run to the post office to get some stamps and mail some postcards. person working, and a line that was about 25 people long. I stood there for about a half and hour to buy a book of stamps. It was air conditioned, so that was nice.

After that, I ran around trying to get a prescription for my face. I thought I had a face eating rash, but it's the newfangled thing called "acne." My face just got horribly red and blotchy, but only in spots. Me being me, I was trying to see a doctor and get prescriptions, as earlier noted--we thought I was having a reaction to the ocean water or something. Of course, no one wanted to take my out-of-state insurance. I finally called the insurance people, and they told me that if I went to the emergency room, I would be covered.

So I went to the emergency room. And waited three hours. For what ended up being acne. *thumbs up, beth!* I felt like an idiot, too, because I was like, "Look, I'm only here cause my insurance is stupid. I know I don't have an emergency! Really, now!" My doctor just looked at me and said, "Yep, fair enough. It's acne. Here's a paper about rashes." and walked away. They were all really nice about it, but seriously! If I would have gone to a Doc in the Box or Minute Clinic, I would have had to pay $125 + out of pocket. Redic. Yay, America's health care system!

So I got home around 7:30 or 8:00, exhausted, because I essentially didn't have lunch (I had eaten some quick white rice, but I thought I'd be back really quick from the post and munch on things for the afternoon). Instead, I threw in True Blood and laid around for the evening.

I spent today trying to plan for things and reading "Night" by Elie Weisel. It was so depressing. It's about the Holocaust, for those who don't know, and it was heart wrenching. I have to teach it to the 10th graders, though, so I have to figure out something.

Other than an outfit crisis for tomorrow (I need to be dressy, but not too dressy) the rest of the night has been pretty low key. Pasta for dinner, a run to the store, a little bit of glee. I'm gonna try to sleep now. I'm actually yawning, so maybe that'll happen sooner than I think, eh!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Ok, just read this on facebook: "Whew! Only six more months till Obama is out of office."

Now, to give some context, he was writing this on the wall for "Election 2010!" and "Get out and vote!" The comments made toward him were quite hilarious.

Now on to me.

I went to Cape Henlopen today, and boy, did I chose the worst time of day to head out! It took me two hours to get there. Once there, the beach was PACKED. The waves were insane. I'm not good at judging height or anything, but while I was there, a guy almost drowned and was saved by a lifeguard. I had never seen this happen before (still haven't, actually, as the beach was PACKED and it was about 100 yards away from me) but the waves were *so strong.* I went into the water right when I got there (about 12:30?). I had forgotten a chair, so that sucked, and I only had one towel, so that sucked, and my beach umbrella kept falling over, so that sucked. I came out of the water after a while, and tried to lay down and read, but I hate the wet sticky feeling, and I had sand *everywhere* because I had to lay on my towel. All in all, I was kind of cranky. But still, it was a beautiful day and I did take a walk up and down the beach. I stayed for about two hours and then just couldn't take the people and the sand anymore. I got in my car, and started to head home.

Of course, I went to the wrong way--the *long* way around. However, this was a good thing, because it gave me a chance to see the *real* cape! I found this tiny little parking lot, and I could see a lighthouse through the trees. I parked and got out and followed the little trail down, and found the kind of beach I had been looking for in the first place: there were about 15 people tops on it, there were no waves, and it was so peaceful! This was in the bay area, I guess (?) (I'm possibly really misunderstanding nautical terms). No matter what, that is where I want to go to tomorrow.

Pictures will be up on the around dover site! Here's the link again, if you need it!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Good Friday!

No, it's not Easter. It has, however, been a good Friday. I slept in a bit, decided against going to the beach (due to the weather again) and did some little things around the apartment. THEN. I finally went for that darn walk I've been wanting to take. It's rainy and windy outside, which means it's finally liveable out there. I wanted to see the Biggs Museum of American Art, and take some pictures of State Street. While I didn't get all the way down to state street, I did get some. The Biggs was interesting. I was literally the only one there, and it was a nice small museum, so it felt very cozy. I'll definitely be going back.

I added pictures to my shutterfly. Here ya go!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The mail I just got from my mommy and daddy

I cried. :) In a good way.

The video of my apartment

Random Dover Omnibus

1. I keep seeing commercials for the "Pittsburgh Renaissance Fair." I never even saw a commercial for it when I was in Pittsburgh! They have a really lame/cute song that keeps getting stuck in my head.

2. Yesterday, as I was going out to buy my beach umbrella, I had my window down on my car. The dominoes delivery guy in the car right next to me had his windows down. As I was looking for the street name, he thought I was looking at him, and smiled and waved, so I smiled and waved back, and he looked all excited. And when I tried to cover it up by being like, "Oh, Dominoes! I love Dominoes! I didn't know there was one near me!" (praying for the light to turn) he started a conversation. He now knows that I am from Pittsburgh, just moved here to teach high school, and live "right over there!" (I didn't want to tell him my actual address, so I just kind of waved and pointed in the general direction. I was literally 100 yards from my house that this time). He was like, "Well, good luck! You'll be great! Have fun!" as drove away. Delawarians are so NICE! Minus the possible weirdness of having a conversation at a red light.

3. I'm going to the beach today. There is a flood advisory during high tide, which is from 9:30 to 11:30. There is also an 80% chance of rain. I bought a beach umbrella, and water to fit into my tiny cooler. I don't know what to do!

4. I'm watching "Boy meets World" for the first time in forever. It's great.

5. I woke up this morning to a *great* dream involving playcamp. It was really, really awesome, I think because it only involved the counselors. Of course, that's all I can remember.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I didn't chicken out!

I did, however, get eaten alive by bugs. Ugh.


I was cleaning my room, thinking about going to the free movie on the lawn tonight, and it hit me: this overwhelming wave of loneliness. I’ve been good up until now. There was some crying when my parents left, obviously, but I haven’t felt really alone until just now. I know that I need to go out to meet people, but I’m a worry wart. How do I go out to meet people when the very idea of meeting people terrifies me? I keep telling myself it will get better when I meet people at work, and I genuinely believe that. I almost wish I was doing college classes, so I’d have an excuse to meet some young people in a setting I’m comfortable in (mainly, a classroom). Bars really aren’t my thing, and the idea of doing one alone is even scarier than going to a movie on a lawn. Of course, since it is Raiders of the Lost Arc, I’m bound to find some young-ish guys there—right? I am just going to go, I think. Can’t chicken out!

I’m going to chicken out.

Tuuuuuuuueesdayyyyy Affffffternooooooonnnnnn...

I like the Moody Blues. This one's for you, Daddio.

Anyway, it is Tuesday afternoon, and a really hot one at that. You know how I keep saying that I'm going to take a walk? Well, I tried that today. I went to Loockerman street (which is the main drag, where all the cool stuff is) to go to a Delaware store. It's about seven minutes away from me. I mosied there and back, and I was *covered* in sweat. Ugh, so icky. I really feel like I am just sitting inside a lot. I feel less bad, because according to the weather channel it feels like 107 outside, even though it is only 93, but stilll! I'm in a walking location! Why can't I walk!

Anyway: everyone please send me addresses via teh e-mails or teh facebook messages. K thanks!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Here!

Oh man, what a long few days! I'm here, though, and today I got a lot of stuff done! First and foremost, though: PICTURES!

Ok, so that's's more!

So, I have electric, Internet, food, a parking pass, and I checked out a gym. Most importantly, I went to the liquor store! It was a gigantic warehouse of alcohol. Intimidating, yes, but still very nice and cheap. Best of all? NO SALES TAX.

I'm gonna take a walk this afternoon, for real this time. I spent almost all of yesterday in bed. I slept until about 10:00, ate some breakfast and got a shower with full intent to go a traveling, and then I sat down on my bed and woke up at 2:30. After that, I decided to just be done with everything for the day. I set up my TV to play some Zelda, and found out that I already had my cable. This excited me, as I got to watch Leverage.

So, a generally boring few days. I'm getting my car inspected and a new license tomorrow (hopefully) and I'm e-mailing the CRHS people to get information about what the heck I'm teaching. Oh, I also got a library card this morning!

Oi. Busy! Tired! Nap! :-D

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm writing this right now.

1. Glare. It sucks.

2. Oh my gosh, so sleepy. This is going to be a rough drive. I spent last night tossing and turning. I cut my elbow a few days ago, and apparently I knocked off the scab or something, because when I woke up my arm was covered in blood and my sheets had little dots of it. So, either my apartment was really mad that I am leaving, or really trying to get me to get out faster. Or maybe I should stop attributing random acts to malicious furniture. :)

Today! Packed! I got to my parents at about 9:30, we packed there, and went to my house. Let me be the first to tell you: I have a lot of shit. It does not all fit in the truck we got.

As a side note: I HATE people that can fit into spankies (the stuff you are supposed to wear UNDER your volleyball, crew, or soccer shorts) and then they decide to walk around in them all day. Two girls just walked in in them, and I swear every woman in the panera stared and sent them angry eyes. Or death eyes. Or, in my case, well, I was gonna say googly eyes, because I think those things are funny, but then I was afraid I would be misinterpreted. Don't misintrepret, ok?

Back to the real post: So, I have a lot of shit. Even with selling / giving away my three sets of plates, and leaving behind some stuff on purpose, I could not fit everything into the 16 ft truck, a Honda Accord, and a Nissan Versa. I feel like a failure. I mean, how did I get all of this stuff into my apartment in the first place! Was it really that crowded in there, guys? Feedback on that one, mmmmmkay?

So now, I sit at Panera waiting for my parents. We're gonna eat, and then head on down to Frederick to sleep. Tomorrow, up bright and early for the rest of the journey! Then, we unpack, I get new clearances, I sign leases, I run to banks, and I turn in paperworks for schools. It's gonna be all sorts of fun.

I'm tired. Peace.

I wrote this last night.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

T – 19 hours! Delaware Invasion, Phase 1 commences tomorrow. My parents came over tonight and helped me pack up my kitchen; I knew that would be the hardest part for me to do. It took about 2 hours, give or take, and we’re all still talking to each other. Wohoo!

So, I unplugged all of my router stuff to have packed for Comcast, so I have no modem or router to get to teh intranets. I have my phone, but that isn’t as fun. Besides, KoL doesn’t have an app. Alas. I just made two CDs for my trip tomorrow, ingeniously named “Dover 1” and “Dover 2.” I tried to go with an overall “Starting over” theme, and I like them. Now, I listen to Daft Punk. (Daft Punk is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.)

So, I went around earlier and took some pictures of my poor empty apartment. It feels naked, seriously. I kind of had an “aha!” moment as I was doing that. I really liked this place, and I’m not going to be back here after tomorrow. It was my first true apartment, and it treated me good. (sic). Nice thick walls, warmed up and cooled down quick, never too hard to clean, no problems with the equipment. A great starter apartment, to be sure.

So, on the scale of feelings, I’m feeling slightly bittersweet. This is a push in the more negative direction, as up until this point I’ve just been bored (waiting to move), stressed (packing to move), and ready to move on. I really am just so excited to get a move on, find out what I’m truly teaching for drama (I’m going to be so damn good at that!) and get a new space to work with.

A little too jazzed to sleep, still. Planning on being at the rents at 10 tomorrow to help them pack up a few things there, and then back here to pack the rest of my stuff. We’ll be on our way to stay with my brother and sister-in-law in Frederick tomorrow, and then make the rest of the trip to Dover on Friday morning. I officially get Internet on Monday (and updated cable! Wohoo! Anyone know if Leverage is on On Demand? I’ll be missing Sunday night’s showing.) So, I’m going to continue Daft Punk and play some FreeCell. Fist pound out!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Quick Reflection

As I was walking down to get my mail today, I kept thinking about how everyone keeps saying how brave I am for moving. First, thanks! However, I don't really feel "brave." Maybe I'm in super denial, but I don't really feel any sort of negative emotion. I KNOW I am going to really miss my parents, but I think that will be the hardest part. I mean, think about going off to college, all my high school friends: we go months without seeing each other anyway. And, college friends, think about the summers: I mean, really, we don't talk all that much during the summers. To me, it just feels like an extended vacay.

To me, this move doesn't seem like a big deal. Of course, right as I started thinking that (on the way to the mailbox, remember; I've been mulling over this for a bit) I remembered the first time I went to Germany. I was a mess in Philadelphia, crying and wanting my mommy; I hated my job, and I really don't think that helped; the only thing loved was staying with my aunt, but I was still a real mess. And then the second time I went to Germany, I was really homesick and spent the week crying.

Still, though, maybe those experiences have given me the little push I need to deal with this. I've lived in Germany for three months, so Dover is a piece of pie. Of course, it is a lot harder to visit when you live across an ocean than just across a state, so that might be helping too. I dunno. It's just a thought.

So, for the record: Thanks for thinking I'm brave! :-D

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Four more days!

Hi Everyone!

Well, four more days! I'm spending today trying to pack up my room. This should be fun. There is a block party at Saddle Drive today that I am going to attend, and of course Leverage is on tonight. Should be a busy but fun day.

I had my final hurrah last night. I've gotta say, it was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came for making it so worthwhile for me! It was great seeing you all, and I had a wonderful time. :-D

Well, that's it for now. Four more days!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Some shopkeeping!

Hi everyone!

So, as I pack, I realize I have a lot of stuff that I don't necessarily *need.* Right now, this includes 1-2 extra sets of dinnerware (depending upon if my mom wants one of them), a seven springs season ski/snowboard pass, and something I remembered just a minute ago and of course have forgotten now. Anyway, I may list some stuff here as I go, and if you are interested, gimme a ring! (I'm almost out of texts; please don't text me until Sunday. :) )

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Fun Begins!

Hello, all! In case you haven't heard, I'm moving to Dover, DE! I got a job at Caesar Rodney High School. It still isn't in stone as to what I am teaching yet, but they were talking about drama due to my experience with TOST. Regardless, I'm pretty stoked.

I have an apartment in downtown Dover. It's a beautiful old Victorian house (very much like Adam Burgdorf's, for those of you who have been). I will be posting pictures / video once I get there. Right now, the move date is set at August 6th, 2010. My oh my! Anyone who wants to help pack is more than welcome to show up at my apartment, grab a box, fill it, label it, and then have a cookie.

Mostly, this is going to be a place for to talk about the various things I do along the way. Maybe I'll link it to twitter/facebook/gmail thing, but I don't know if you can do that anymore. I'll try to do more personalized stuff as well--as usual, I have dreams of writing letters!--but we'll see how that goes. Right now, I'm just amazed I've gotten this far. :)

Well...that's it! -B